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ABOUTFrench Thompson

French Thompson walked into the Denver Art Museum an English major and left an aspiring metalsmith. The catalyst? A contemporary collection showcasing five diverse jewelry designers - each one’s creations distinctive, dynamic, superbly detailed. ‘This was not derivative work,’ French recalls nearly 30 years later. ‘Each was original. Each was perfection.’

From that personal epiphany has grown an experiential gallery on the Main Street of Old Scottsdale. French Designer Jeweler is one of the few sites in the world to focus solely on original designs. One of a kinds. Crafted by hand. ‘These are pieces that spark conversations,’ French states, ‘for they are from creatives willing to take beautiful risks. I know each artist. They bring us their best.’

About Our Gallery

"There are those for whom generic jewelry designs and materials are not only sufficient but preferred.They find comfort in the customary. And then there are people like us! We seek out wearable art thatcauses conversations to stop and heads to turn. That’s what you’ll find here. I promise."
~ French Thompson

Designer/owner French Thompson brings the wearable works of nearly 30 award-winning,world-acclaimed artists to this jewel of a jewelry store in downtown Scottsdale. From Balito Brazil. Precious metals and gemstones. The mystical. The whimsical. The signature.

Featured collections are forever changing, assuring the style-conscious a fresh flow of originals and theartistically aware reason to return often.

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