Pascal Lacroix
About Pascal Lacroix
Raised in the South of France by artist parents in the splendor of the “Gorge du Verdon” Provence region was the perfect crucible for creativity. Using silver and acrylics at first, Pascal’s avant-garde work was already inspired by the precision of Japanese joinery work, the purity of Scandinavian design and the desire to break boundaries. From the start, Pascal was on a quest to master the making of invisible hinged bracelets. Soon gold, diamond and other precious gems became the materials of choice.
Setting shop first in the south of France, then Paris, Pascal’s creative desire and appetite for new inspiration led him to San Francisco and he now lives in the foothills of the northern California Sierra Mountains. From this spectacular location Pascal continues to relish on new challenges both in design and techniques.
The Jewelry
Drawing his inspiration from nature, architecture, dreams, music and the poetry of people, Pascal, a perfectionist in his work, enjoys working solo.
When developing pieces for the American Jewelry Design Council or special custom projects, he always like to include new techniques. He finds those challenges energizing as they always open new routes to discoveries. Pascal loves getting to know the people he designs for and fine tuning the designs to pick up their character traits and highlight their beauty.
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